I suggest that one way or another** a portion of this glandular secretion goes up into the spine through a tiny orifice and is propelled up by reverse pelvic rocking. The reverse pumping, if I may say so, is directed more backwards-and-up than forward-and-up.
The flow of bliss.
This additional glandular supply increases the cerebro-spinal-fluid*****inside the cerebro-spinal-canal inside the spine, the meninges and the ventricles that are dispersed throughout the brain, from 125 cc to a possible 250 cc.
Much of this is actually minutely documented, although very poorly translated, in original Sanskrit yogic literature. Nevertheless, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is quite clear on this. (See the picture above and references in another article on Amrita/Soma.)
The flow of bliss.
Much of this is actually minutely documented, although very poorly translated, in original Sanskrit yogic literature. Nevertheless, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika is quite clear on this. (See the picture above and references in another article on Amrita/Soma.)
When the amount of CSF (cerebro-spinal fluid) gets over a certain threshold, some of it drips down on top of the soft palate and/or on the back of the tongue. The sensation of the pressure release and the dripping is extremely sweet.
This is what is referred to as:
This is what is referred to as:
"nectar", "soma", "ambrosia", "amrita", "elixir", "love potion", etc.
Not that the taste of this liquid is sweet, it is not, it is actually salty, quite alkaline. It's consistency is like watery Jell-O, or more properly stated it IS the consistency of liquefied jelly fish.
Could it be - and I suggest that it is - that at the veriest inside of us, at our very core, that the physical structure that is anatomically described as our CSF system, that it is actually still that primordial immortal sea-creature that we (primordial jelly fishes that we were - billions of years ago - and ... still are, started to surround with calcium accretions, etc. and eventually a variety of appendages?***
The following video clip is quite extraordinary, especially after one realizes that behind it's prankish-but-amazingly-spirited delivery, there is a science story about jelly fish with far-reaching implications, implications that should be considered quite seriously especially in light of the suggestion I made in the paragraph above.
I postulate, that the soma substance ("soma", I like that word because of its "somatic" connotation) gets transported in minute amounts of stuff/vibration/energy along the nerval dendrites underneath the myelin sheathing.
When the energy pulses reach the front of the body the sensation initially felt as sweetness but it can increase in intensity to the highest states of ecstasy. Orgasmic ecstasy as by nearly everyone is one-sevenths of the (at least) 7 ecstasies that can be experienced. Each ecstasy having a slightly different ring (vibration) of sweetness and intensity.
"The nectar phenomenon that you describe may actually have to do with saliva and the salivary glands, or, if not that, than with the production of phlegm in the nasal area." ~ Tony Syndrome
The nectar phenomenon has nothing at all to do with saliva and the salivary glands...
and also... 'Snot it's not!"
and also... 'Snot it's not!"
- The taste of the "material of nectar" is saline (salty). When you collect and taste it with the tongue it tastes and smells like a light kind of sea-water. (Watered down sea-water so to say.)
- It is very clear, no color, brightly transparent.
- The consistency is that of liquefied jelly-fish.The stuff is in no way the same as phlegm that one gets from colds and that comes from nasal passages.
- Nor is it the same as phlegm that one might get from dairy allergies or the like.
- The place of exudation is at the back of the mouth just above the soft palate, from the bottom centre of the skull.
- The physical feeling when exudation takes place is like a sweet release from some subtle muscular structure.
- The spot where it drops, with that sweet feeling, is often on the very back of the tongue or can be felt while swallowing.
- Where / when the drop(s) touches, one can feel a sweet erotic light touch.
- It feels like having a sweet taste, but the word "taste" is not accurate. The sweet sensation resembles the taste of quince jelly.
- When in a meditative visionary state one can actually see a beautiful fiery glowing orange red conglomeration of droplets.
- In my case I can regulate the amount of release with spinal movements. Also manipulating certain spots on the spine affects the amount of release.
- With the nectar release, the spinal movement is at the bottom of the spine, a gyrating 3.5 turn, clock and counter clock wise is sometimes taking place. Most often however, simple backward tilting of the pelvis will do.
- The mental state one is in does not affect the release. I experimented with that a lot. I can be angry (have to work hard to get angry though), I can be sad (have to work hard at that too), I can be neutral, make myself despondent, it makes no difference, the nectar drop is always there. The only thing that can negatively affect it, is when the spine is not aligned properly.
- Tiredness does not affect the release. I purposely created headaches, even though neck induced, the nectar drop is still there.
- One can regulate the amount of the nectar release.
- It seems an unconditioned response to "nothing", (however strange that may sound.)
- I used to think that one should not be sexually active to increase the amount, or to affect the exudation. Although initially that may have been the case, now I'm sure there is no strong relationship.
The Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) had the same experience. In a visionary meeting with him nectar and unconditional bliss phenomena were discussed:
To safeguard un-social, a-social or even anti-social behavior, rules were set up to make sure that the "prospective practitioners of this yoga" (not the right word at all, but it will have to do) had to go through rigorous pre-training. Hinayana and Mahayana approaches resulted from this. Loving kindness became an absolute prerequisite "behavior" as to ensure that when the un-moral, non-social, non-god realization came through that no social harm would result.- It was noted that this nectar release and the concomitant ecstasy was UN-conditional.
- That it also came with the realization that morality is an acquired set of behavior and mental patterns.
- That a realized person is indeed "non-moral". (Not to be confused with "immoral".)
- It was found though that, what we now call psychopathic behavior can indeed come with the same nectar and ecstasy release.
This may sound strange and almost contradictory.
When one, at one point, near the end of the kundalini process of "re-origination", tackles fearless-ness and non-morality, one goes through a final test.**** This test is not in any way like an academic test. It is totally non judgmental. One actually gives up judgmentalism radically. It is the scariest and free-est of realizations, the test of all tests.
One eventually gives up on the whole idea of God as .... fill in any and all of the usual attributes.
That's why final (if there is such a thing) realization is non-theistic. Non-theistic realization is not the same as or does not lead to atheism.
Ah... nectar, ambrosia, soma, elixir of the gods, amrita or.... the taste of immortality!
* This article was originally in response to Tony Syndrome's questioning of Dan Winter's: "I tried to explain how large scale harvesting of human glandular juices, uv blue fire aura / ecstatic/sex juice, was the raw material Sai Baba needed for Vibuti production.
** Dan Winter spotted the same process, he refers to it in one of his web pages.
*** I brought this idea forward at an introductory lecture in Hartford, Connecticut in 2001.
Ah... nectar, ambrosia, soma, elixir of the gods, amrita or.... the taste of immortality!
* This article was originally in response to Tony Syndrome's questioning of Dan Winter's: "I tried to explain how large scale harvesting of human glandular juices, uv blue fire aura / ecstatic/sex juice, was the raw material Sai Baba needed for Vibuti production.
** Dan Winter spotted the same process, he refers to it in one of his web pages.
*** I brought this idea forward at an introductory lecture in Hartford, Connecticut in 2001.
**** I recall that in the "Aquarian Gospel" Jesus goes through similar tests. Whatever one thinks about channeled (re)sources, this book is very inspiring and may be authentically vision based.
"Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi, Devorss & Co isbn 0875161685
***** An important article that gets more and more interesting by the end: http://www.healtouch.com/csft/CSF_stasis.html
"Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi, Devorss & Co isbn 0875161685
***** An important article that gets more and more interesting by the end: http://www.healtouch.com/csft/CSF_stasis.html
Hi there! Have you read and saw prahlad jani's case on him surviving on amrita? I love the site and the posts you've made!
It's beautiful to see someone relatable.
I'm just wondering if you've also abstained from food &/or liquid to increase the Amrita production?
Or are you now surviving on Amrita alone?(this is my goal)
My email is connor_dixon@hotmail.com
Whenever I am by myself the need to eat or drink is just not there... Eating is more of a participative social thing for me. Before going to sleep I always make it a point to have the Amrita juices flowing. There some spinal exercise that stimulate this. See my "Yawning and Stretching" videos... although I don't mention Amrita flow... it is the result!
Someone wrote:
"I'd like to ask you if you've experienced the swirling green light in your mind's eye during closed eyes meditation?
Also if you practice sticking the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in meditation?"
1 - About swirling green...
Yes, but people may 'see' various swirling cloudlike colors though. The colours refer to the intensity of energy of the - at that moment - predominant chakra...
Green in your case indicates heart chakra enegy... A predominant heart chakra might indicate that all other chakras are also at balanced energy levels. (Perhaps you can report back to me about what your feeelings are on this?)
Green is balance, it is midway on the spectral colour range:
MAGENTA (not seen by most)
If other colours than green are present in the" mind's eye" (they may alternate, or show up mixed, and their 'dynamic' may vary from restful to 'agitated'), it means that work on the chakra related to that particular colour would be in order.
Slowly-swirling-green is actually what meditators would be (should be) aiming for, it means that the heart chakra and thus their whole subtle energy system is balanced... (On the Heart Chakra level pastel pink and turqoise hues may alternate with green.)
Make sure you stay grounded, and see how that affects the swirling dynamic:
"Grounding is greening!"
2 - About Kechari Mudra variations (tip of the tongue acivity and the soft palate)...
In my case, sticking the tongue tip up against the palate and further back reaching past the soft palate upwards, was originally (and remained so) spontaneous... (At some point my "Kechari Mudra" activity stopped - also spontaneously - as it was apparently not needed anymore.) With me the soft palate retracted naturally, thus the tongue tip reached the bottom of "sella turcica" at the "sphenoid air-cell"
which it would "massage" or "vibrate". The result eventually being the drop or flow of amrita fluid with its acompanying - also physically - feeling of bliss, sometimes localized at that location, but eventually experienecd throughout one's whole being - also physically.
By the way, about that "sphenoid air-cell":
OM's sound-vibration also - and eventually with similar results - affects this air-cell and of course eventually the flow of amrita.
At times "OM-ing" will occur together with the natural Kechari Mudra. That is the reason why "OM-ing" is effective when Kechari Mudra does not occur or is not practiced in some form.
3 - About practice or methods...
The reason that ancient yoga literature shows "methods" and "instructions" about OM-ing, Kechari Mudra, and in fact all asanas, mudras and the various varieties of yogic practices, is that in the distant past, followers of advanced yogis recorded what their yogis spontaneously underwent and did. Then - according to the adage: "Do as the master does and you will eventually be like the master" - the followers would follow those descriptive records as though they were... instructions!
Of course practice is not a mere "monkey see, monkey do"... but... it is good to know how the orginal yogic literature (e.g. "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" and various other Samhitas) developed.
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